Product Manuals
Other Material
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Welcome to the Apple II and Apple IIGS Magazine Archives Website! This project was started in order to help preserve old publications that have been out of print for many years. These old publications are a valuable reference tool for those that own older systems or equipment, and also have an educational benefit to those who wish to research the building blocks of today's computer systems.

Our main focus so far is the archiving of old computer system magazines and books, mainly for the Apple II series, specifically the Apple IIGS, into full color high-resolution searchable PDF files and Internet friendly web pages, with a full indexing system. All publications are provided with full permission from their original publishers and/or the copyright owners.

Due to the vast amount of publications, we are actively looking for hardcopies of material to be posted on this website. If you would like to donate material, copyright research, or you have any suggestions, please Contribute!. Please see our News page for further details on the status of this project.

Probably our most popular category, made up mostly of magazines. Computer magazines are one of the most valuable resources, as they cover helpful topics in depth.

Another great resouce for getting into different areas of computing.

Product catalogs, great for reference or historical pricing infomormation.

The original product manuals for specific items. The best technical resource for hard to find items, and more.

Other Material
This group is made up of everything else. Flyers, pamphlets, articles, and more.

View this list to see which publications are available for a particular system.

Keep up-to-date on the latest happenings of this website. This is where we will post help needed, status on getting rights for publishing work, and more.

If you have the desire to help us with the tasks of obtaining copyright permission or have material to donate to be scanned, please Contribute!. We would love to hear from you.

Website sponsored by Apex Internet Solutions, LLC with support from its website hosting, website design, and document conversion services.